Thursday, October 22, 2009

reBlog from EvaLyford: Biznology Blog by Mike Moran

...thé ou café...!!!Image by Denis Collette...!!! via Flickr

Are you considering pulling up a chair and getting comfortable with your business using social media? I recently blogged about Groundswell, and it offers solid insight in participating in the Web 2.0. Here's part of the article I wrote:

"While it is true that there are dangers in engaging with the groundswell, don't forget that the groundswell also reveals your smarts--check out just how many people brag about great service on Twitter, make fan sites or sign up to "be a fan" on Facebook. Furthermore, I still maintain that it isn't a valid choice for a company to ignore what's going on online--the groundswell is happening, with or without your participation. And it is happening with people just like you and me, who just need to be willing to risk participation--and strive for the rewards."Eva Lyford, Biznology Blog by Mike Moran, Oct 2009

Check out the whole article, Are you capable of Groundswell thinking?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

reBlog from EvaLyford: Biznology Blog by Mike Moran

Washington, D.C. headquarters of the Federal T...Image via Wikipedia

I have a new article published at the Biznology blog today, here's an exerpt:

Second, some people expect the FTC to start policing the blogosphere, although I don't. It is much more likely that the FTC would look for patterns of undisclosed endorsements and target the companies paying for such. So if you're not motivated already to make sure your compensation for recommendations is disclosed, perhaps the threat of a fine will provide some motivation. Note that the terms of the fine are per incident—so a single company paying for 10 bloggers to promote their product in an undisclosed fashion could easily be facing a six-figure fine.Eva Lyford, Biznology Blog, Oct 2009

Check out the entire article at Biznology.

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