Sunday, December 21, 2008

Monogamy at Blogger and Godaddy

I can make godaddy and blogger hook up, but it isn't pretty to try and do multiple-blog linkings to one domain. Godaddy, in terms of its DNS assignments, has all the scruples of Betty Page and is willing to pair up with anyone, anytime, whenever to serve up a website. Blogger, on the other hand, strictly enforces monogamous couplings. Setting up for a bit of tomfoolery on the side takes some patience, listening to blogger's recitation of the ceremonial betrothal: "You, domain providing company, do hereby take this blog to have and to host, to serve and protect, to cherish and obey, and shall put no other above her... "

But I can put multiple blogs on one domain, and so can you. I've had a book blog for some time and also am doing other things online. I wanted to consolidate the various items online and thought a domain of my own might provide for some fun experimentation. And really, where else can you get a $1.19 lesson in domain hosting and blog publishing except from Godaddy and Blogger?

So I moved my book blog to first. Here's steps for you to follow:
  1. Register with
  2. Log into godaddy already to start administering your site.
  3. Go to Domains, then select My Domains
  4. Click on the domain name
  5. Click the link "Total DNS Control and MX Records" - the page is really busy, so do a text search for "Total DNS Control and MX Records" to find it if you can't easily see it
  6. In the CNAMES (Aliases) section, click the button for "Add a new CNAME record"
  7. Add "blog" and "" as the new screen name. Attached is the screen shot showing what it should look like. (CNAME.jpeg)
  8. It may take an hour (at least) for this to start propagating across the internet, and the propagation process may take up to 3 days or more to complete. That gives you time to do the next part. Sometimes it is really quick.
  9. Log in to blogger, go to 'settings' then select 'Publishing'. Then select 'custom domain' then select 'switch to advanced settings'
  10. Add "blog.yourdomain.yourdomainextension" or whatever is appropriate to your particular idiom.
  11. Do step 7-10 again for additional blogs, be sure to vary the first part of the URL. Your original Blog*Spot address will automatically forward to your new domain. That way, any existing links or bookmarks to your site will still work.
Thanks to How to set up your blogger custom domain with Godaddy by Blogger Buster for some tips.

The $1.19 price tag for the lesson is for the 99¢ domain name registration currently available from godaddy, plus the 20¢ ICANN fee.

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