Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lost Dog now found

Update: Beau returned home on his own. Yes, he is now grounded. He's got some nicks and scratches but is otherwise hale and hearty. Thanks so much to everyone who helped with the search, and if you see a wandering dog don't assume it is an unwanted stray - someone may be looking for that dog very urgently and losing sleep over their disappearance.

Beauregard (with help from a ghostwriter) is a blogger on Indypaws too and we are grateful for the help from the Indypaws community in finding Beauregard. Beau has been reported missing to the Humane Society of Indianapolis, the Hamilton County Humane Society, the Carmel police department, 24PetWatch (they track his microchip number and any reports of it being scanned),, and Craigslist. There are flyers posted in the neighborhood, along the main street, and at the kids' school.

If you can think of any other suggestions please post in the comments. Wishing Beau a safe and speedy return is much appreciated also.

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